dandelion seeds being blown off the flower with the sun setting behind it


Business Accounts

Checking Options

Details Regular Business Checking Non-Profit Business NOW Account Account Analysis*
Minimum To Open $200 $200 $200 $200
Monthly Service Charge $8 $8 $12 $20 (plus cost of usage)
Monthly Service Charge Waived For $500 Balance $500 Balance OR 501(c)(3) Documentation $1,000 Balance Offset credit. Credit based on Federal Funds Rate.
Paper Statements $3,waived with electronic statement Free with 501(c)(3) Documentation or $3, waived with electronic statement No Charge No Charge
Interest Earned No No **Yes Credit towards usage charges
Additional Benefits This cell left intentionally blank This cell left intentionally blank This cell left intentionally blank Ability to offset monthly service charge AND additional product usage charges with credit given on balances. Combined statements.

*Accounts are subject to Account Analysis fee structure by industry type or FNB discretion based on account usage.

Account is charged according to products/services used. Account balances earn credit based on the Fed Funds Rate to go towards these costs. The credited amount may offset all charges (excluding NSF/Overdraft Fees).

**Interest will not be paid if your daily balance drops below $1,000.00

Print a New Account Application PDF, fill out and bring in to one of our branches along with your initial deposit today!

Bank Divider

Savings Options

Details Business Savings Business Money Market Business First Star Money Market
Monthly Service Charge $5 $20 $20
Balance To Avoid Service Charge $100 $2,500 $10,000
Interest Yes Yes Yes
Paper Statements

Quarterly Statements

Monthly Imaged Statements

Monthly Imaged Statements

Opening Deposit $50 $2,500 $2,500

See an FNB Account Representative for more information on our Money Management System.

Consumer Accounts

Checking Options

Details EChecking Pioneer Checking Regular Checking Student Account Senior Checking (Age 62+) NOW Account Texas Tradition
Minimum To Open $100 $100 $200 $100 $100 $200 $200
Monthly Service Charge $8 $5 $8 $5 $0 $12 $15
Monthly Service Charge Waived For 20+ debit card transactions monthly N/A $500 Balance Documentation of students 13 or older taking 12 or more hours N/A $1,000 Balance $5,000 Balance (all personal checking, savings & MMKT’s combined)
Paper Statements Not offered with this account. Automatic enrollment in E-Statements $3,waived with E-Statements $3, waived with E-Statements $3,waived with E-Statements or documentation No Charge No Charge No Charge
Interest Earned No No No No No *Yes *Yes
Additional Information Checks are not provided with this account free of charge First box of wallet bank stock checks provided at no charge First box of wallet bank stock checks provided at no charge First box of wallet bank stock checks provided at no charge 2 boxes of wallet bank stock checks PER YEAR at no additional charge First box of wallet bank stock checks provided at no charge Free domestic wire transfers, money orders, startup checks, cashier’s checks, notary & medallion stamp guarantee, customized cards and all FNB ATM fees are waived

*Balance requirements must be met in order to receive interest

Bank Divider

Savings Options

Details Regular Savings Money Market First Star Money Market
Monthly Service Charge $5 $10 $20
Balance To Avoid Service Charge $100 $2,500 $10,000
Interest Yes Yes Yes
Paper Statements

Quarterly Statements

Monthly Imaged Statements

Monthly Imaged Statements

Opening Deposit $50 $2,500 $2,500
Bank Divider

Certificate Options

Details One Month CD Three Month CD Six Month CD One Year CD Two Year CD Three Year CD
Interest Simple Interest Simple Interest Simple Interest Daily Daily Daily
Opening Deposit $1,000 $1,000 $1,000 $1,000 $1,000 $1,000
Bank Divider

IRA Options

Details 18 Month Variable IRA 30 Month IRA 5 Year Roth IRA
Interest Daily Daily Daily
Opening Deposit $500 $500 $500

*CD, IRA, and other deposit types available upon request

Included with every FNB consumer savings account:

  • Online banking
  • Mobile banking
  • Text banking
  • e-statements

Open an account online today!

Main Office

101 E. Bridge St.
Granbury, TX 76048

(817) 573-2655
Toll Free (800) 447-1688

FDIC Equal Housing Lender

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